We aim to create an interconnective space for encounter and exchange

Here, you can not only meet but also challenge each other to accelerate and experience innovation together. To make this a wholesome multidimensional experience, our commercial space of 3,600 m² is based on a modular architectural concept.

Interconnective Concept: Experience endless possibilities for exchange

B.PLACE space is designed not horizontally – but intertwined to connect all floors and units for a multidimensional experience. Secluded areas further enable privacy if needed. The following three conceptual areas create a perfectly balanced space for you to connect, exchange, and experience ideas together.


The Embassy of Exchange is a showroom to stage your ideas, research, projects and solutions in front of an international audience. Gather new perspectives and learn about new innovations as well as exciting possibilities to shape the future.


This is your platform to network, exchange and negotiate with one another. Both public and private areas are designed specifically to create an ideal networking space for companies and foundations seeking dialogue with the media as well as political and economic dicision makers.


Try it all out! This is your playground to encounter innovation with all your senses. Here, showcased projects and ideas become tangible.

Looking for more information?

For details regarding our space or further
collaborations please get in touch here